Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Stress Level Has Dropped One Notch

Well folks! I'm officially moved! (and spread between 4 locations) I celebrated with a nice long nap today instead of continuing on with the never ending "to do" list before June 16th arrives.

Final Book Edits (check)
Move (check)
Find Passport (check)
Learn how to use camera (check)
Buy a bikini (check)
Forward Mail
Turn 32 (do I have to???)

Tomorrow I am volunteering at Sara's school on a field trip to a pig farm...should be a good time, good pics and hopefully no swine flu outbreaks! That has been Sara and my favorite diagnosis for everything. "I can't move anymore I think I have the swine flu" "don't touch my stuff you might have the swine flu" instead of "bless you" after a sneeze it's "I think your coming down with the swine flu" Never gets old.

I am wanting to celebrate my birthday this year...I'm thinking Andina's (I think that's the name) for happy hour then spaghetti at Jacquie's the night before I leave for a European Adventure! I had a fun lesson on how to use my new Cannon Rebel XSi. Mckay, Sean and I met for coffee at the near the Beaverton Farmers Market and took some really fun shots. I'm ready to practice some more tomorrow with the kids. HA! Good times.

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