Monday, March 21, 2011

Aunty in Alaska

I walked in the door to screams and squeals "Aunty Nen!!!" Then we played hide and seek...I am such a sap when it comes to my nieces and nephews. They are incredible human beings and they daily bring sunshine and perspective to my life.

Enter Willem Kade Melear

7lbs 11oz
red hair
longest toes ever


There was some bilirubin level issues at the beginning so it was touch and go there for a bit. He lost weight (down to 6 lbs 4 oz) and wouldn't poop...but now he is back to 7 lbs 4 oz and pooping galore...all is well that poops well!

We had a baby shower on Saturday. Kara and I had a great time making the cake. Cheryl did a wonderful job putting it all together. She had us puffy paint onesies!!! They turned out great. Margaret Zach and I took Willem to his first Basketball game. He slept through the entire game. (I wish I could have...) Since I am still on crutches (yes, again) I haven't gotten around much this trip but I have gotten to hold the baby. And that is why I be an aunty. Here are some pics to tide you over to the next post...

1 comment:

  1. thanks Jen - wonderful job. Isn't it nice to have a boy to join Eli and even out those beautiful girls.

